Before you get the treatment you need for your plantar fasciitis, it is important to know exactly what’s causing your symptoms. Your podiatrist can make a diagnosis and recommend a treatment plan that will best suit your needs. They can also suggest changes to your lifestyle that can prevent future foot problems. Some common recommendations are to avoid wearing ill-fitting shoes and to stretch frequently. In severe cases, your podiatrist may recommend surgery.
Podiatrist Canberra will make a diagnosis by asking you a series of questions about your health and your symptoms. They may also ask you to describe how much pain you’re experiencing on a daily basis. Your doctor may also order an X-ray to rule out other conditions. These tests may also help rule out bone spurs, which are often the culprits behind heel pain.
The most common symptom of plantar fasciitis is heel pain. It can be very uncomfortable, especially when you walk for long periods. Plantar fasciitis is often caused by a number of factors, including wearing shoes that don’t provide adequate arch support or have stiff soles. People with high arches and flat feet are also at greater risk of developing plantar fasciitis.
Podiatry in Monash, ACT specialize in the foot and ankle, they are often more likely to diagnose and treat symptoms conservatively. They often work with other doctors, including physical therapists, to resolve plantar fasciitis cases. However, physical therapists have limited training and may not be able to treat more complicated conditions. Furthermore, orthotics do not actually treat the condition but only mask the symptoms.
If conservative treatments fail to relieve your pain, podiatrists may recommend a surgical procedure. This procedure involves cutting the plantar fascia close to the heel to lengthen it. After the surgery, scar tissue will fill in the gap. After this procedure, you should expect a recovery time of approximately six weeks. This period can be longer if you have to wear a splint or cast.
You can also treat your plantar fasciitis at home using various home remedies and stretches. You can also wear supportive shoes and avoid running on pavement or barefoot. While you’re at home, you can apply ice on the area of pain. Applying ice can help constrict blood vessels and reduce swelling and inflammation. An ice bath may also help.
The good news is that over 90% of cases of plantar fasciitis can be treated conservatively. However, untreated plantar fasciitis can lead to more complications and a longer recovery time. Over time, inflammation and stress on the plantar fascia can cause small tears in the tissue. These tears eventually become bigger and more numerous, making the plantar fascia more vulnerable to rupture.
In addition to plantar fasciitis treatment Canberra, podiatrists can help you prevent other foot or lower leg issues in the future. These specialists can recommend footwear and lifestyle changes that will help you avoid further problems.